Application for participation in the second round of the state program “Development of a family cattle farm” was submitted


In 2015, SKIA participated in the state program "Development of a family cattle farms" under the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. After winning the competition, a non-repayable grant of 10 million rubles was received.

The business project included:

  • purchase of a high-yielding cattle herd of fifty American Holstein Friesians;
  • restoration of the 1st cattle-breeding complex;
  • purchase of milking parlor and dairy equipment;
  • a complex of agricultural equipment;
  • construction and commissioning of a sanitary pass.

In February 2021, according to the inspection results of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, the grant was successfully absorbed, which allowed applying for participation in the competition again with the increase of the grant amount up to 30 million rubles.

Nowadays the total number of cattle of the farm is more than 180 heads, including 70 milk cows. The daily milk yield is more than 1700 liters of milk Grade A. In 2021 we will be able to increase our production by several times.

In March 2021 the specialists of AGK SKIA together with the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia began to prepare documents for the second round in the state program.